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Thursday, January 20, 2011


-- RUE

Our Grandma Wowa Nhengphi gave us shopping money.  Must. Spend. In. Bow & Wow.

So we went to our favorite store, and guess what we got for ourselves:  some 'nip and grass!

Qish went crazy as soon as he got a whiff of the 'nip!  He was the one who pulled it out of the plastic, and just went cross-eyed (as most Siamese cats are) and totally crazy!  He even salivated on the box, ewwww!  Momma immediately put some on our scratching post, and everything went blurry from there.   I remember being soooo happy, I thought I was in cat heaven!

Momma hasn't opened the grass yet, so it hasn't started growing.  She promised to do it this weekend when she has the time to read the instructions.  We'll post photos of the grass once it starts growing, and before we munch on it!  In the meantime, I'll have to say goodbye.  I'm bound to go to cat heaven again in 3, 2...


My mom person has something like that here too & she forgot about it. She says maybe she'll plant it for our kitties!

Nubbin wiggles,

Oooh, I need to give Kira some kitty grass, too. Hehe.

Nug is super jealous! Nom nom nom :D

Nug is super jealous! Nom nom nom :D

Oooh, I need to give Kira some kitty grass, too. Hehe.

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